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Old 05-02-2021, 10:40 AM   #6799 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
We're here debating free will and you're justifying your position with words that are tied to the idea of free will. It's like a Christian using.a Bible quote as evidence for the existence of god.
The predetermination counterpoint is tied to the religious paradigm of free will as well since it separates the mind and the body and declares the body so superior that it renders the mind into nonexistence. That's why the false binary is a pseudointellectual game of reductionism for dolts like yourself. Your framing of thought/consciousness/choice as chemical reactions within the brain being somehow separate from the brain is closer to religion than my stance that the laws of thermodynamics dictate the process of thought/consciousness/choice in the same way that they do orbit. By semantically trying to deduce that choice is actually just another way to describe the laws of thermodynamics, you're just restating my point.

Do you mind sharing some of the resources that so successfully brainwashed you? I'm more interested in that than whatever personality traits you pick up on in this discussion. I've already read Why Words Are Magic.
Studies show that when a given norm is changed in the face of the unchanging, the remaining contradictions will parallel the truth.

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