Originally Posted by The Batlord
What about the headbutting?
Alpacas do that? That sounds perfectly acceptable to me, there is plenty of people I've wanted to headbutt in my life so I respect their decision.
Originally Posted by Trollheart
Hey Monkey! Welcome back. Haven't seen you in ages!
What is so different about waiting for traffic lights to go green in Edinburgh? Surely they're the same all over?
Ah hello Trollheart. It's great to finally be posting again. I can't believe it's been 7 years since I joined and even then I was lurking for a year beforehand. I've still been following your journals to this day. Keep it up man
What can I say, I've lived in Leeds, Cambridge/Suffolk, London and it's never been as tedious to cross the road. It's probably just all in my head but I swear to you it takes forever to cross a road in Edinburgh.
Originally Posted by Cuthbert
Was me that recommended Edinburgh to him BTW.

Best decision ever and I remember you hyping the city up.
Originally Posted by Marie Monday
A wise recommendation. I'm jealous tbh, Edinburgh is great
It really is, although what was really great about Edinburgh has been diminished by Covid19. It saddens me that everywhere I look some of my favourite independent shops and bars have been taken out of business due to the pandemic and the fringe festival is but a distant dream.

Still I hold out hope that this year can be the year the city comes alive and of course I urge as many tourists and friends to visit as much as they can.