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Old 05-01-2021, 06:18 AM   #10251 (permalink)
Aficionado of Fine Filth
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: You don't want to look in there.
Posts: 6,987

1. Which do you prefer, and why?

Country. Peace & quiet, fresh air, beautiful scenery, lots of wildlife, much less traffic, fewer people, less pollution, less crime, no graffiti, fewer neighbors, more personal living space, more available area for outdoor gardening.

2. If you were able to switch (country to city/city to country) would you?

I could anytime if I wanted to but hell no!

3. What do you like best about where you are (city or countryside)?

See answers to first question.

4. And what do you hate about it?


5. If you were/are living in the country, what animal would you adopt to be your friend/pet?

There's already so much wildlife to see and interact with around me that I don't feel like having a pet but cats and birds of prey would be my two choices. They're wonderful for keeping various rodent populations in check.

6. What do you think is your most important responsibility in the city or country (wherever you live)?

Respecting my neighbors, respecting the wildlife, and not trashing/polluting the countryside in any way.
Originally Posted by jwb View Post
A middle class job sounds like a boring menu option at a brothel

She's a Brick House
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