Originally Posted by The Batlord
It's not harmful cultural appropriation though. It doesn't harm black people and in general is just white people doing what black people do. It's not like the Redskins or the Indians sports teams with feather headresses that appropriate harmful stereotypes of Native Americans that allow white people to "own" indigeonous culture in a way that reinforces that they are savages.
And it absolutely isn't the same as minstrel shows that are just straight up "Look at how dumb black people are."
Cultural appropriation is a neutral concept. The context is what makes it potentially problematic. Pretty sure this is why the popular cultural appropriation discourse was so short lived. A bunch of idiots harped on about it for a bit but the nuance necessary for it to be relevant precluded it being any kind of central leftist discourse cause cultural appropriation in general is fine.
yeah that nails it I think