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Old 04-26-2021, 11:58 PM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 3
Default How do I soundproof my room to avoid annoying my neighbors (Any advice helps!)

I currently record out of my hot ass car to avoid noise complaints from my roommates and neighbors. Constantly hauling all my gear to and from (and sometimes back again to re-record takes) my apartment as well as all the post-processing needed to compensate for the TERRIBLE car acoustics and outside noise has been a bit of a hassle.

I live in the U.S. and will be relocating to a new apartment at the end of the year (living alone) and am looking to set up a mini recording studio at my new place.

Does anyone have any advice on general soundproofing methods that can muffle most of the loud noises from vocals and speakers? Also I do understand blocking out all sounds would be impossible of course. But ideally I just want to be able to sing at the top of my lungs without fear of a broomstick thump under my feet or police knocking down my front door every other day.

ANY tips or resources on how to approach this situation would be very appreciated!

Thanks in advance!!
And stay safe out there, guys.
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