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Old 04-26-2021, 11:23 AM   #367 (permalink)
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I don't even think destiny destroyed him or did that well... I just thought they came across as pretty evenly matched which is funny considering the disparity in their supposed credentials

The dividends point was just semantics and not at all interesting or compelling. And the feudalism meme was definitely childish.

But wolff is a charlatan as well who hides behind an amorphous and intentionally vague definition of what he means by socialism where on the one hand he holds up more benign forms of social democracy or co-ops like mondragon while in the next breath he cheers on the "rapid growth" under soviet rule as a triumph of central planning. Completely brushing over the millions who were intentionally starved to make that growth happen. He's no chomsky that's for damn sure.

Last edited by jwb; 04-26-2021 at 11:28 AM.
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