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Old 04-26-2021, 09:49 AM   #6060 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Originally Posted by jwb View Post
batlords comment was after yours as far as I can see. You went straight into whining that nobody mentioned dudes death before batlord said anything which once again... If he was that big people would probably be talking about him. I never heard of him. And I don't care that you never heard of DMX nor would I have expected you to.
You know, **** it. I checked and you're right. I take it back. I'm a whiny bitch. Just upset about losing Steinman. My bad.
Originally Posted by jwb View Post
the fact you can't appreciate an artist like dmx is somewhat disappointing given your gloomy/goth aesthetic. He's actually the perfect rapper for someone with a bleak outlook on life. Too bad you're too white to like hip hop.
That's racist.
Would be a great album title for a white rapper though.
Originally Posted by jwb View Post
Suburban white people are the largest market for everything.
Especially Ford Suburbans.
Danny brown is good but he's the kind of rapper that is typical for a white boy rock fan who doesn't like rap.

The fact that you can't appreciate rappers like DMX or Prodigy makes you seem way less punk rock to me tbh
I didn't like the Da Vinci Code though.
Originally Posted by elphenor View Post
the type of white people that liked DXM when I was growing make "Blue Lives Matter" their Facebook cover photo now

Hold on.. BLUE lives matter? What - dolphins? Shrug.
Originally Posted by elphenor View Post
my point was this "too white" thing is pretty limp

I'm pretty critical of Stadium Rock too
But you like Kid Rock, right?
Originally Posted by jwb View Post
My point is you are actually too white

You are obsessed with some punk rock aesthetic that makes you dismiss hip hop in general. Not just specific rappers but the art form as a whole. Fight is as you may, that's definitely a whiteboy move. It's literally indistinguishable from rednecks who say can't spell crap without rap as if that's remotely clever. The fact that you diss your parents rock music doesn't change this at all.
Reminds me of someone (can't remember who - Carlos Alomar? Guy famous for playing the fretless bass?) anyway he met Bowie and said "dude was the whitest guy I ever saw! Like, he was translucent!"
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