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Old 04-26-2021, 09:35 AM   #6059 (permalink)
Join Date: Aug 2012
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I wouldn't take it personally, TH, if people don't recognize or care. The best you can do is post someone's death that was well-known for their craft and hope that someone is interested in, maybe, going beyond their safe area to find out more - a history, an influence, etc.

As for what I post in the R.I.P. thread, it usually sits in an area connected to what, at least some, people talk about here. Yeah, I'm gonna point to someone in jazz, rock, rap, "world" music, etc, but I see no reason to point out that someone as musically well-known as Christa Ludwig or Bob Fass died on Saturday because they are within artforms that are rarely spoken of here (when there's the relatively slim chance that music is actually discussed here). And, yes, sometimes it's just personal preference that decides what gets posted. That's how we learn about others.

Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
Just cos you've never heard of Steinman doesn't mean nobody has. I had no clue - still don't - who DMX is/was, but quite clearly the only reason he got so much coverage here was due to addidass's decision that he was going to rake him over the coals about his homophobic lyrics. It's nothing against DMX, just a reaction to Batty's flippant comment which implies nobody knew who Steinman was, which I assure you people certainly did.

I reckon had adi not gone on his rant there would have been a post or two about BMX sorry DMX and that would have been it. My point being that unless you're ****ing HUGE like Prince or Bowie, you need to have done or been accused of having done something controversial for people to take notice. Rostasi posts eulogies to people here all the time whom I don't know - mostly jazz guys I guess - and nobody acknowledges them, or very seldom anyway. I just feel for a talent like Steinman to pass and nobody know or care, but a rapper who I didn't know (and why would I? I know sod-all about the hip of the hop) to get so much coverage annoys me a little. Probably would not have had it not been for Batty's sarcasm, which really was uncalled for, but that's Batty for you.
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