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Old 04-25-2021, 03:04 PM   #6039 (permalink)
Music Addict
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[QUOTE=Trollheart;2170475]Yeah I know. Seems you have to be a homophobe rapper to get any interest from people when you shuffle off TMC. I'll miss him anyway. Fantastic talent. Horrible to have to live 17 years with a stroke though; maybe it was a blessed release in the end.[/QUOTE/]

not looking for a gasp or any comments at all.. but I had periods of sheer hell through illness's and only since last July have I been functioning again, as I had serious immune issues, big time...Now I am fit and healthy so appreciate how bad life can be when your not right....I really believed my end was there...something turned around and forever so so thankful....Now I am the happiest but most temperamental person on this earth...I do get sad at others, that could not be healed...
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