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Old 04-15-2021, 03:12 PM   #6014 (permalink)
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Exactly.. dmx was far from perfect and I'm more than willing to address that. But the selected lyrics are being taken out of context and blown out of proportion for manufactured controversy and retweets. He died and so twitter is like wait! We forgot to cancel him for what he said about homo thugs in 2003! How did we miss this?

Cause you were too busy watching eminem dance with Elton John to make good for his own homophobic lyrics which were much more explicitly targeted at homosexuals than DMXs were. But he got pressure put on him and so he danced with Elton John. Maybe if you called to ask dmx when he was still alive he could've redeemed himself but you missed the boat so instead let's just hijack his death for woke points.
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