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Old 04-15-2021, 01:19 PM   #6011 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by elphenor View Post
I stand with BLM

Im for reparations of every kind up to and including direct payments

but apparently leftism means giving a pass to the worst elements of popular culture as long as they have a tint of blackness...idk dude THAT strikes me as kinda racist
I didn't "give it a pass" I said it was being exaggerated and was on bad taste to harp on about when he just died. I literally don't see what good is accomplished by that.

The homophobia in hip hop actually has been a point of conversation for a while now and it's just simply not true that nobody addresses it or that there haven't been significant shift in the prevailing attitudes towards lgbt issues in the last 20 years. The homo thugs line was extremely tame, relatively speaking, and was penned by sometime decades ago with a long history of mental illness and addiction who is just now recently deceased. If you wanted to take him to task for that you're about 10 years late.
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