Originally Posted by Trollheart
My people didn't make their money in oil. We're not oil people. Oi'll have you know that.
Oh but I can just see it now: a bunch of fifty-year old white guys looking up at the exasperated black teacher:
"Now, repeat after me homies - YO! BIATCH!"
"You Bitch!"
"Nah dude, nah! LISTEN to what I'm SAYIN' yeah? YO BIATCH!"
"NOW you gettin' it! Okay then, BIATCH!"
"Na na na bruv! BIATCH! Listen again! Bee-atch!"
"Listen dude yeah? Listen to how I say it. Bee-ATCH!"
"I think we'll break for lunch. Who gonna hook me up man?"

I actually think jwb has a point in the more general sense that we should learn more about all different kinds of cultures in school