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Old 04-14-2021, 01:02 PM   #5990 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
I'm just saying you get really bitchy when people say anything mean about old school hip hop. Like high school girl bitchy.
dmx was a dear friend of mine pal

I actually did get surprisingly sad when I heard he died

And of course it didn't help that I just don't like adi and every post I've seen him make about rap comes across as elitist to the point of borderline racism while meanwhile he is hypersensitive about anything involving gay ****. He shows 0 compassion for others oppression and wants infinite attention paid to his own. Me me me is all I get from him.

And elph annoys me too whenever he talks about hip hop. Specifically because his entire schtick is trying to be the perfect leftist and there's actually not a hint of passion behind it.

But the last few posts about me thanking him for giving me permission to like dmx were really not that serious... You can casually mock outrage over cancel culture and I can likewise casually mock people for being thought police. I hope you guys do realize I don't literally believe adi is part of the "homo stasi"....
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