Originally Posted by SoundgardenRocks
My mom was a cheapskate growing up - who also didn't know how to make a good steak (to her credit, she's gotten much better over time).
She used to get cheap steaks - and she'd overcook them. She didn't slice 'em thin for us or anything - so I grew up with mostly tough, overcooked, non flavorful steaks. I swear, I wouldn't have been able to choke it down without some kind of steak sauce. My jaw felt like it ran a marathon when I finished her steaks.
As for ketchup - I love it. Just not on steaks. Love dipping my fries into ketchup. Love ketchup and mayo on burgers (sometimes bbq sauce). I put on it on my eggs too, oh yah - and my meatloaf. And ****, I'll even put it on my shepherd's pies and my meat pies as well. Love that ****.
Now anything with coconut - that's a hate train I'm willing to ride on. **** coconut - tastes nasty and the texture is downright awful.
Didn't see this before my post. Is putting ketchup on Shepherd's pie a New England thing? 
ketchup sucks and coconut is good. And ketchup on shepard's pie??? I don't know any of you people.
I can tolerate it on meat loaf but it's better with gravy.