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Old 04-13-2021, 03:34 PM   #1827 (permalink)
No Ice In My Bourbon
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Originally Posted by jwb View Post
there's almost nothing I would put ketchup on other than a hamburger or fries. And reverb then if the fries are actually good I'll eat them without ketchup... And on a burger I only put a little ketchup mixed with mayo. Ketchup sucks. It overpowers just about any other taste.

Even cheap steak is better just seasoned and sliced thin. My sister's husband's parents can take cheap steak and make it great by adding all sorts of spices and **** and then grilling it. The colombian food he and his family makes is really good. They just butcher Italian food imo.
My mom was a cheapskate growing up - who also didn't know how to make a good steak (to her credit, she's gotten much better over time).

She used to get cheap steaks - and she'd overcook them. She didn't slice 'em thin for us or anything - so I grew up with mostly tough, overcooked, non flavorful steaks. I swear, I wouldn't have been able to choke it down without some kind of steak sauce. My jaw felt like it ran a marathon when I finished her steaks.

As for ketchup - I love it. Just not on steaks. Love dipping my fries into ketchup. Love ketchup and mayo on burgers (sometimes bbq sauce). I put on it on my eggs too, oh yah - and my meatloaf. And ****, I'll even put it on my shepherd's pies and my meat pies as well. Love that ****.

Now anything with coconut - that's a hate train I'm willing to ride on. **** coconut - tastes nasty and the texture is downright awful.

Originally Posted by TheBig3 View Post
Shepard's pie?
Didn't see this before my post. Is putting ketchup on Shepherd's pie a New England thing?
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