Originally Posted by adidasss
Just to say that I finished Journey, can't say I get the enthusiasm.
Also that download of Ori was a bust because when I was buying my Intel NUC it never occured to me that I would need a stronger set up to play games, it kept trying to load it until I googled minimum requirements and I don't have them!  such a dumbass.
Now I'm trying Fall guys (and actually paid a PSN subscription because of it, what a gyp) and Unravel 2, neither one of which makes me crazy. I also pretty much gave up on The last of us (I guess I'm just not into horro zombie stuff). Sigh. It's all down hill after God of War and Rayman legends.
Unravel 2.
Looking at the trailer now, it's possible it's more fun to play it with someone else. As a solo game, it's an ok puzzle platformer, mostly about solving puzzles and jumping around, no fights or anything. The puzzles are ok, if you get stuck there is help so it doesn't ever get very frustrating. There were additional levels but it didn't really attract me enough to play them. Graphics are ok. There was some kind of a story going on in the background, couldn't figure out what it was about, seemed like ghosts of kids, not sure if family or friends, mostly in some kind of negative situations so not sure if this is some kind of healing after trauma game or what. It was mostly lost on me.
Let's say 3.5/5.
Moving on to
Tearaway unfolded.
Media molecule games are so creative (creators of
Little big planet 1 and
2). I'm a little hesitant to get
Dreams because it seems centered on creating, which they started with in
LBP but I never used that feature since I'm not creative at all. Hmmm...