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Old 03-19-2021, 10:22 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Euthanasia or assisted suicide

So we had an assisted suicide thread that apparently didn't go so well because it was closed, but on the occasion of Spain legalizing euthanasia, let's try to open up that can of worms again!

I take it the vast majority of people on this forum are not religious so I don't think this is a contentious issue.

According to wiki, currently there are only 6 countries in the world (and Western Australia) who allow active euthanasia: Netherlands, Belgium, Colombia, Luxembourg, Canada and Spain.

I'm all for it and hope that some time soon, Croatia will also pass legislation allowing death with dignity. This should and hopefully one day will be regarded as a basic human right.

I would certainly like the option, if my quality of life degraded to the point where I considered life not worth living anymore.
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