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Old 03-16-2021, 09:55 PM   #6668 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jwb View Post
Less active and more boring go hand in hand when you're talking about a message board that wasn't that active in the first place lol

Let's face the facts this place was already on a decline but we can't exactly afford to sacrifice our main characters at this point

The end is nigh, folks. The sky is falling.
If I had a nickel every time in the past 15 years I've been on this board someone complained how this place is more boring and dead than it was in the good old times, I'd be retired right now.

The place is doing fine, people come and go all the time, if OH leaves for good, within the year some new crazy person will sign on and start trolling. And so on and so forever until they finally decide this place isn't bringing in sufficient income to justify its continued existence and they pull the plug.

In which case we'll just find a new place and so on and so forth until we die arguing over shit on the internet. The end.
“Think of what a paradise this world would be if men were kind and wise.” - Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle.
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