Originally Posted by Gernot
Hi everyone.
I came across this site because of Soraya Raquel Lamilla Cuevas singer songwriter who sadly die on 10th may inn2006.
To shorten things , she died by breast cancer but she wrote an goodby letter to her fans ... I checked everything I can but I can’t find in the net.
Is someone able to get this letter , because I just would love read it .
Anyway beautiful Sunday to all you .
By by from Germany
Hallo Gernot und ebenfalls schönen Sonntag
On May 9th, Soraya posted a goodbye letter to her fans on her website. She ended with a line from Almost/Casi: “When the only sound that breaks the silence is your beating heart, in between the pounding you will find who you are …”
"I know there are many questions without answers and that hope doesn't leave with me, and above all, that my mission does not end with my physical story," were Soraya's last words to her fans and the media before her death.