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Old 02-28-2021, 07:05 PM   #9974 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Join Date: Oct 2008
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1. What piece of old-style technology do you miss, and why?

I'm one who misses the rotary phones too. The thing was, with a rotary it was virtually impossible to ring a wrong number, as you had to put your finger in the right hole (ooer!) and turn the dial for each number. It was the sort of thing you took your time with and got right. Not like today, where you can quickly tap in a series of numbers and be talking to someone you don't know, and who doesn't know you. Also, the sound was uber-cool.

2. What's your favourite flavour(s) of crisps/potato chips?

Cheese and onion or Smokey bacon

3. If you could visit any planet, real or fictional, which one would it be?

Risa. For the, um, weather. Yeah, that's it.

4. What was the last thing that made you lose your temper?

A few months ago I actually had my hands around Karen's neck, which makes me very ashamed, but she had pushed me to the limit. Anyone who wants the full story PM me. I hope it never happens again, but I guess it proves you can only push even someone like me so far.

5. What's your level of gardening? Green thumb? Black thumb? No interest etc?

My level is, get someone else to do it.

6. What do you think is the single most important issue in the world today?

Making sure the entire Trump family is eliminated, and the earth around Mar-A-Lago salted completely.
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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