1. What piece of old-style technology do you miss, and why?
I miss VHS camcorders. There was an authenticity to those recordings that is absent from all TikToks and digital recordings today.
2. What's your favourite flavour(s) of crisps/potato chips?
Got to be salt and pepper chips. Perfect combination of taste, with an effervescent effect on your tastebuds. Make em kettle cooked and you're in business.
3. If you could visit any planet, real or fictional, which one would it be?
Uranus, because someone's gotta visit it. Spread 'em for me.
4. What was the last thing that made you lose your temper?
Don't know. Don't remember. I'm a patient man. Probably some bull**** program I was debugging.
5. What's your level of gardening? Green thumb? Black thumb? No interest etc?
Don't care. I buy vegetables at the supermarket. And I only do it because the wife insists that I can't live on bratwurst.
6. What do you think is the single most important issue in the world today?
Social media algorithms for apps and websites.