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Old 02-22-2021, 04:52 PM   #1786 (permalink)
All day jazz and biscuits
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Originally Posted by jwb View Post
I feel like child labor wouldn't be such a bad thing to bring back with the proper regulations.

I feel like it could serve multiple purposes. I'm not talking about factory work or anything extreme like that but certain skilled trades/tech oriented jobs and maybe some basic manual labor where it's not too strenuous or dangerous for a kid.

When I was like 11 my step dad used to take me on side jobs he did as an electrician.. he would have me run cables and **** under houses... Payed me $15 an hour which was a **** load of money to me at that age. I fat preferred doing that to bagging groceries at some grocery store for $7.25 an hour when I was 14.
Like most things, the pieces of sh*t of this world will take every inch they can and exploit as much as they can.

Regulation can have its pros and cons but it's good for some things. I think if I were to meet you in the middle of that one I'd say consent of a parent, the child, employer, plus oversight by an agency could work.

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