Originally Posted by Key
All you can do is just make sure hes happy and comfortable. When it's time for him to go, you'll know. He'll know probably before you do. Cats especially will separate themselves from their humans in order to pass on. Typically it's done this way so they dont disappoint you. Just make him feel as comfortable as you can which I imagine you have. I can tell you love animals TH and I love that about you.
As far as I'm concerned, you're doing everything right. You're being a good cat dad.
Thanks man. Love ya back!
Originally Posted by The Batlord
An Irish vet named Ciarin? Slip her my number next time you see her, TH.
Ciaran is a man's name, idiot!
Originally Posted by OccultHawk
I had to check
Wow. Did they train at the Mother Theresa Veterinarian School or something? I’ve never heard of such incredible generosity.
He's just such a nice guy, really. Initially he totalled it up to 1,600 and I was like are you sure? Five months? Then he says oh that's only for one cat. Then I swear, he wrote down the full figure, didn't even look at me, and scratched the 800 out with his pen. A real gent.