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Old 02-14-2021, 09:39 AM   #74005 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Originally Posted by OccultHawk View Post
One thing I’ve learned about vets since I got my dog is they ****ing love people willing spend every last dime on their pets. A dude in love with his dying animal is a living breathing walking Christmas to vets. Especially ones who own the shop and don’t just work there. But goddamn if they won’t up sell you. They’re worse than mechanics and car salesman.
In fact in my case you're wrong Hawk. When my three cats had to be boarded for five months while Karen's downstairs extension was being built, we were looking at a bill of 4,800 Euro. Without me saying a word, Ciaran immediately said "let's just forget that eight hundred, we'll leave it at four thousand." Abd then he let me pay 100 a month. He's always aware that I'm on carer's allowance and of Karen's situation, and he never sells me anything or encourages me to have treatment for any of my cats that would be simply spending money. He may be in the minority, certainly, but he's different. He really cares.
Originally Posted by Key View Post
Only at MB will people choose to debate whether someone is treating their pet properly or not in the context of death. How bout just stfu and let TH do what he wants.
Exactly. As far as I'm concerned, the subject is closed, and nobody will convince me to put Eddie down until Karen and I, and Ciaran, believe it is the best thing. So keep out of it please guys: I appreciate the effort but it's really not your decision, any more than I would try to persuade one of you to make a decision I had nothing to do with. Had I asked for opinions or advice, that's one thing, but I didn't, so let it lie. Thanks.
Sorry to hear TH. That is tough. I've been through it before several times. Never gets easier.
Thanks man. As he gets older it becomes more real and imminent, and inevitable, but never easier. If we get one last summer with him I'll be content. Hell, if he can go out into the garden once more I'll be happy.
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