Originally Posted by OccultHawk
Well when I call it confusing what I’m really saying is I found it confusing. I’m sure the shortcoming was with me not one of the most heralded books in history.
I do remember certain passages being beautiful though but then I’d be like wtf is going on. A few IQ points short here, Copernicus or not.
Well you have a point, it's a bit unwieldy: I don't remember being super confused while reading, but how little I remember of the plot in hindsight says enough. I just remember general impressions and **** like someone dying and a stream of blood flowing out the door, through the streets (around a few corners), up the steps to someone else's front door, and inside to announce the death. 10/10
@grindy's reading list: that's awesome! Glad to hear from you, and that you liked Middlemarch. I'll definitely go through your list for recs