Originally Posted by Marie Monday
I don't think comedians are edgy for the sake of being edgy, but I think Elph was on to something when he called it alpha. This is post-midnight rambling so maybe tomorrow I'll be like wtf was I on about but whatever: I think the reason behind American comedy being what it is (specifically not witty), is the US's competitive winner/loser mentality. The thing is, a winner is a dominant alpha, and that kind of dominance is often brute force over brains. Wit is generally a thing to resort to for beta wimps, and those aren't people to put on a stage and cheer at in American culture, at least not as much as in England for instance.
Patrice o'neal is hardly the face of American comedy. It seems like you are speaking in generic terms that frankly don't apply to this specific convo if you aren't familiar with the comedian in question.
He does have an alpha presence to him, that much is true. So what?