Originally Posted by elphenor
Patrice said **** that's pretty stupid
irrelevant to whether he's funny but no I don't think it's "brutal honesty", I think it's pitching a world view like anyone else
It's brutal honesty from his pov which is admittedly twisted yet internally consistent. And it speaks to certain elements of the human psyche which might be ****ed up but nonetheless are sometimes there in many of us. And he turns that into comedy to make light of it all.
You saying it takes zero wit just tells me you either have a **** sense of humor or you aren't that familiar with his work because he's notoriously sharp and fast on his feet. He's the kind of comedian other comedians respect for being able to go head to headv with just about anyone on the spot.
"He's said dumb ****..." And ???? You're only proving my point.