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Old 02-06-2021, 12:15 PM   #22577 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
Let's be honest though: what are they gonna do? Jail her for a few years till she dies? At best she might last another five; are they really going to incarcerate a nonogerian? From a purely logistical point of view, look at all the extra medical care they'd need to give her in prison. And what about Covid? As a person of a very advanced age, isn't she going to be very vulnerable to that? Put her in a cell and she will probably die of the virus.

Why not give her a chance to state her case, issue an apology and leave it at that? Of course it won't bring back the dead, but isn't this just a case of prosecuting any lower (really lower) level functionary they can still find, just to be kind of bloody-minded about it? I don't mean to offend the descendants of any Jews who may have had people die in the camps, but doesn't there come a time when you stop pointing the finger of blame and extend the hand of conciliation instead?

I saw a programme where a female guard met one of the prisoners she used to deal with, and they had a sort of forgiveness and understanding thing that was quite beautiful. What is sentencing and imprisoning - or sentencing to death, I don't know if that's still a thing - an old old woman for being peripherally involved in the machinery of mass murder over seventy-five years ago really going to achieve?
Those are good points but on the other hand... it was the ****ing holocaust... you could make a strong argument that Germany got off lightly. If the Allies had had a different temperament they might not even be country anymore.

Regarding the program you saw: an individual may decide to forgive but for
something like this there’s no collective body that has the moral authority to offer forgiveness on a broad scale. It’s not like present day Israel has an actively anti German government. And we’d can’t ask the millions who were murdered to weigh in.

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