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Thread: who are you?
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Old 04-20-2006, 06:03 PM   #1 (permalink)
angel of tragic days
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 924
Default who are you?

The way i see it is there are 6(not a fact, you tell me add to it if you so choose) types of forum people.

which one are you??, and i hope you read this before voting..

1. attention seeking
-lacking attention from friends family
-have no friends or family
-has no life outside the internet, then joining every forum that seems to be somewhat active.
-people who join forums to cause fights, and be annoying cause there life is lacking something, or someone.. hence coming to a forum for the comfort... like its temp filling that void.

2. creeps
-men/women who are of age, underage and far over everyone else's ages on the forum and still goes on there little hunts looking for whomever to have some type of close relatioship with..most offten or not over the internet. maybe going back to the first one at the list attention seeking
-people actually looking to meet these people over the internet, to either get in a actual relationship with, or at least try to. To rape, to hurt many different things creeps look for.
-etc... (please add)

3. self esteemers
-people who have high self esteems and come on forum to show themselves off, with pictures or words to add to there already high enough ego.
-people who have low self esteems and come on forums to show themselves off knowing that even if you are ugly chances are that everyone will tell you, that you are pretty hence making you feel better till you get off the forum for the evening worry about how you just posted a picture of yourself over the internet for the world to see knowing about the creeps (2.) and knowing that most offten or not you can't tell if people are being honest with you.. then making you feel worse.. hm

-people who come on to the forum just to say whatever it is that goes with whatever thread there in.
-people who come on forums to take a break from the rest of there life, and still adding to forums with out causing anything while doing so.
-etc... (add)

5. children (for the childish and also the children)
-see attention seeking (1.)
-people who come on here just to talk mainly in the lounge just for the company of thinking and having friends over the internet that actually care. and show it more then the people in 'real' life... depending see self esteemers (3.) and attention seeking (1.) and creeps (2.)

6. the main
-people who come to talk about whatever is happening in the lounge and in whatever has to the forum (here being music)
-come here for the fun of it
-come here to pass away time
-to learn
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