Originally Posted by The Batlord
Please continue about all of it.
And I'm no Dolly historian but from what I've heard I believe it as well. I mean she might really just be an angel but her sheer embrace of the gay community while being a country artist is a bit unprecedented.
All of it you say??? Including the rest of my Taylor Swift thoughts? I will continue tomorrow, then. (I apologize to everyone else in advance)
Taylor Swift, too, since leaving her record label has been much more loudly supportive (as opposed to quietly donating without much fanfare, as she did in her earlier years) of the gay community/LGBT issues. She was even rightfully accused of queerbaiting during the Lover era after she abruptly started throwing a ton of gay imagery in everything (her wardrobe, music videos, promo videos etc) only to then have yet another panicked #NoHomo moment in a magazine interview. This is a distinct pattern she has. I believe there is even a video clip (filmed during the making of that dreadful music video for "Me") of her saying that the 3 things she'd choose to describe her as a a person would be cowboy boots, GAY PRIDE, and .. forgot the last thing, but still. She said this out loud, rather nonchalantly. But anyway I'll continue with that tomorrow, after I talk about Dolly and Marilyn Monroe and Anna Nicole Smith (and compulsory heterosexuality and the closeted bisexual experience and how it can lead one to develop a weird alternate persona for the sole purpose of enduring men while protecting your actual core self/cosplaying as a straight woman.. all the while being totally emotionally detached from it all and sexually dead/bored to death even if you seem to be some kind of nympho on the surface. or something. I haven't actually ever managed to properly articulate that whole thing yet so it probably won't make much sense. As you can see I'm TOTALLY not just wildly projecting onto these famous women at all!!! *sweats* )
Oh and Paris Hilton is gay too. Sensed major gay or bisexual vibes in her documentary, especially when she reunited with her "best friend" from one of the abusive Troubled Teen schools her parents sent her to.
Originally Posted by jwb
Obama is bi imo
I totally agree tbh imo.