Amused To Death,...Hitchhiking and Final Cut (Floyd but basically a Waters project) are the Trilogy Of Shame. Absolute bore-fests.
The tedious, verbose Amused, of course , is nigh-unlistenable. Roger is all whine and anger. His solo lps so same-y.
The other above bands you mention, I don't know. Except "Hound Of Baskervilles" which sucks cob.
A real good solo effort from an prog-cornerstone guy is Chris Squire's "Fish Out Of Water.( But this thread is not about great prog solo lps.)
"All Rick Wakeman solo lps". Are you for real?
I'm a great Wakey fanboy, but even the fans admit he put out lotta chaff lps. Starting with the double "RhapSODy" (which should have been an EP.)