That kind of 'conditioning' can be just about impossible to grow away from. Prison life is brutal. It's not as though someone can't start to be a compassionate person after prison life though. I have a friend who I used to rip and run with who got caught up in a grand theft auto ring and did 15 years. He's a brick ****house that would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it though. One of the best people I've ever met.
And unless you've actually been to prison, I don't think you should start making comparisons.
Tbh, the reasons behind you wanting to quit that rehab give me the impression that you have some reservations about being ready to be sober. You haven't had enough pain yet and are making excuses. There's probably quite a few people that went through there with no complaints and are still sober/clean today. You know why? Because they were grateful.
Not trying be argumentative, just being honest.
See location...