OK FINALLY in Texas at my mom's now so I can properly reply:
Originally Posted by WWWP
You nailed the Leo vibes, good call, potentially Libra in there too depending on time of birth. Lots of Leo energy up in here, damn!
I did!!!! Plus he very much has Leo Hair based on that one photo he posted in the member photo thread, if I'm remembering correctly) I ALSO predicted Virgo being one of Marie's main three
initially but then started overthinking it and guessed incorrectly instead.
Originally Posted by WWWP
Those are my only two Leo placements and I think it's nutso that they're both in the Big Three! I am all fire and air bay-bee- and then 6 of my planetary placements are in Capricorn, including the Littler Three, (Mercury, Venus, March). Jupiter and Pluto are both in big water energy, Cancer and Scorpio respectively. Not enough to stamp out my fire, but enough to remind me it's ok to feel things lol. Kind of wild how little variance there is in my chart, not that I know what the implications of that are or anything.
Ooh I have lots of Capricorn too! And even if there seems to be little variance on the surface i'm sure there's plenty of interesting placements in your chart. (For instance I have Mars opposite Pluto-- more scary than interesting tbh-- and then Moon opposite Saturn which is known to cause body issues and family problems galore) Unfortunate how many people just associate astrology with vague magazine horoscopes and the like when actual astrology/full natal chart reports etc (..and vedic astrology which is beyond my comprehension) is super complex and vast. IMO for those who do not wish to actually study it (me) it's easiest to just copy/paste whatever placements (venus square pluto for instance like I have) in your auto-generated natal chart report seem most interesting/confusing to you into google and reading the numerous blog and forum posts that come up about it, as that will usually give a more in-depth explanation.
Also btw, since ofc one's ascendant is known to affect one's physical appearance a good deal, and I was initially curious as to whether you had a Pisces asc or something (even though you don't ~feel like a Pisces rising) due to your large dreamy eyes!!! But Leo makes sense too in retrospect.
Originally Posted by WWWP
Totally, soo many of my female friends are Libras and Virgos. I attract a lot of Geminis too, but I don't necessarily have close friendships with them. My ex is a Scorpio, and while I couldn't handle his controlling and obsessive nature, I also have a femme Scorpio friend and I totally love her vibe, she's inwardly controlling and obsessive - which works well with her ambitiousness in her career and drive to better herself, and doesn't have any negative affect on our relationship because she has never once tried to tell me what to do lol.
Libras are always fun, same with Geminis. As i said I have very little experience with Scorpios, but I've followed one online on tumblr for several years and I, too love her whole vibe including the obsessive/controlling part. (The bf is a scorpio sun + venus in scorpio and mercury in scorpio. Unsurprisingly he is the first person that immediately picked up on and gladly participated in certain dumb weirdo things I like doing early on in relationships during the courting phase, such as putting codes in seemingly mundane messages and making playlists with multiple hidden messages in them etc.)
And for the record, @Bat/whoever I don't ""believe"" in astrology, like, on paper, (I wouldn't let it influence daily life decisions for instance) but at the same time I always feel compelled to learn about the basics when it comes to any even vaguely mystical topic/practice (aside from tarot which I just can't seem to get into; Lenormand clicked with me more) which does sometimes lead to certain things I come across resonating with me to a degree. But also nothing is real and everything is chaos, so. Doesn't really matter. I probably am not ""real"" either. I am a wayward, troublesome goblin inside god's brain.