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Old 11-22-2020, 08:15 AM   #5613 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Originally Posted by OccultHawk View Post
Preciate it. Kind of surprised how much compassion that generated.
Not sure why you would be. People here are human after all. Other than me, of course. You know those captcha things where they say "I'm not a robot"? I'm always conflicted clicking them. I mean, isn't it a bit racist? What if you ARE a robot??
Just glad I didn’t have kids because I’m a big **** up, too. I never hit a woman or any **** like that but I’m negligent. I’ve heard that might be the worst of all for kids. Fortunately, you have to make them to destroy them and I kept a rubber on my dick without even being asked (one fetal hawk aborted actually)
I reckon a lot of families have negligent fathers - and mothers - people are just so busy and tied up in their own selves now. But I think as long as it doesn't become dangerous or criminal negligence - such as forgetting to feed your kids, leaving them alone while you go out to the casino, having strange men or women over while they're there, basically putting them in danger - it's nowhere near as bad as being actually violent/abusive to them. It's not great, but I think it's maybe a little more understandable, if not acceptable.

I mean, which would you rather have? "My parents don't seem to care about me, they keep ignoring me" or "My parents beat me up and abuse me"???

Yeah. I get that is so bad and for you too. My memories of my mom getting beat up are way worse than my memories of me getting beat up. I know you’ve had it hard.

To quote Nas

Life’s a bitch and then you die
That’s why we get high
well in fairness they've had it hard, not me. I was, as I said, a selfish git when younger so though I saw what went on I didn't do anything about it. My other sister has made a good life for herself: a loving husband of about forty years now, five children, five grandchildren. Karen of course had no opportunity to have a family, but she's surviving.
Originally Posted by Marie Monday View Post
@Trollheart: Goddamn, that is absolutely horrible. I have the deepest admiration for anyone who can turn parental abuse around and be the opposite themselves.

Edit @Hawk: I think serious abuse is worse than negligence. I think you're right that family members being abused is as bad as being abused yourself. I have not been a victim of abuse, but family members have, and the fact that it wasn't me didn't make it any less bad.
Thanks Marie. If I learned one thing from my useless ****stain of a father it was never to be like him, so I suppose in a twisted way I owe the person I am today to him.
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