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Old 11-02-2020, 01:07 PM   #72129 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Originally Posted by innerspaceboy View Post
I’m so thrilled with today’s success! For years I’ve had two cheap record shelves which were collapsing, so I’ve been stalking sales listings for quality cube shelves for months. Today my efforts paid off and I scored a matching pair of the most-trusted units on the market - the Ikea Expedit/Kallax shelves locally for a fraction of their normal price.

They’re usually $238.98 for a pair of the shelves with shipping from Canada, but I scored both of these just-like-new for $50 apiece already assembled and just 5 miles from my door! They were an absolute perfect fit to replace the portion of my collection which occupied the former shelves.

Extra special thanks go out to a dear friend in town who offered his truck and his strength to haul them home in the pouring rain. I am SO GRATEFUL for his help! It was far more work than it looks like but at last the project is complete!

Here they are in action in my listening room!

Everything looks beautiful in your listening room, ISB. So glad you were able to get a great bargain with the Expedit/Kallax shelves, and so close to home. Very nice of your friend to help you out. I recently viewed this site featuring Kallax shelf hacks (lots of good ideas there):
I love your pink velvet chair, the framed posters and photos on your walls, your Beethoven bust headphone stand, Victorian lamps and, last but not least, your Nipper statute quietly taking in the view.
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