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Thread: Your Day
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Old 11-02-2020, 07:18 AM   #72115 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by elphenor View Post
this douche nozzle came in:

Him: Do you like your job?

Me: uh not really dude

Him: what would you like to do instead?

Me: I dunno, why

Him: I'm trying to help you not hate your job

Me: nah that's fine I'm going back to school...(trying to end this conversation and go back to work)

Him: What are you gonna study

Me: Sociology

Him: Why would you study that?

Me: *sizes him up* I want to destroy the Patriarchy, now please comrade...

Him: *fuming, mad enough to remove his mask* What are you a communist, you want to learn about feminism and communism?

Me: I can't tolerate these microaggressions

this went on longer than was even funny anymore before I had to tell him it was none of his ****ing business

I was downtown and there was some guy with a maga hat walking around trying to tell people to vote Trump and he came up to me and I thought he was going to talk politics but he just started rambling about the book of Revelation and the whore of Babylon. I couldn't really understand what he was getting at so I was just like "what's wrong with the whore of Babylon?" and he just looked at me scornfully and said "yeah and I bet you like Queen Elizabeth the 2nd too!" and walked off.
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