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Old 10-30-2020, 08:04 PM   #71997 (permalink)
one-balled nipple jockey
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Originally Posted by adidasss View Post
Yeah, because I disagree, gay people have been discriminated against and brutalized for a long time in all sorts of ways, everywhere in the world, and let's also remember that in half of the world, still to this day, it is illegal to be gay, punishable by prison and in some cases death. It's not illegal to be black in Malaysia, but I can't hold my boyfriend's hand in public here because I might end up in jail. I'd say that's pretty damn comparable.

Just a small taste of what's happening in the rest of the world:
I totally agree. Historically it’s been far more dangerous to be openly gay than black in America as well. Gay kids in public schools are still chronically bullied and harassed and frankly homophobia is a huge problem among American blacks.

Right now in America the only accepted narrative is that blacks have it the worst and the greatest sin possible is using the word n igger. It’s just like that’s what they told me on tv. They wrote Black Lives Matter on the basketball courts where open homosexuality is still almost completely unheard of and black people make millions of dollars for throwing a ball in a basket and still consider themselves victims.

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