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Old 09-30-2020, 10:51 AM   #5504 (permalink)
one-balled nipple jockey
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Originally Posted by Plankton View Post
A powerful verse right there. I can only imagine what you went through OH, my friend. Personally, I'm glad to know you.
Preciate it dude!

Originally Posted by ribbons View Post
I'm very sorry to read about the abuse you and your Mom suffered at the hands of your father, OH. That is terrible, and it makes me angry even to envision it. I'm glad you had Helen's "I Am Woman" as a guide and hopefully a source of some comfort as well.
I was lucky to grow up in the 70’s. That’s when people really started to speak out against **** that was hurting me. Ads on TV that addressed child abuse really helped me. Because as a kid you don’t know what people are thinking out in the world or what’s normal. The media and just because Atlanta was a big progressive city (believe it or not) those voices of kind people who were trying to reach out could penetrate my world. No one could (or would) stop it but because there was a social movement that let me know there was a different world out there I made goddamn sure I got away from that **** when I turned 18.

It’s sad how much progress has been lost though. The cost of living has grown three times the rate of the minimum wage, housing has become ridiculous, tuition obviously so much higher (ten times since my day!). It’s always about this with me but goddamnit a person cannot find autonomy in an economic climate that’s this hostile to the working poor.

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