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Thread: Microphone
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Old 09-18-2020, 06:45 AM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: Sep 2020
Posts: 1
Default Microphone

Hello there, Im a beginner songwriter, probably a very bad one, but I have some ideas. Mainly Indie songs (type of indie like Sufjan stevens/ciggaretes after sex/Joe Purdy etc...)
I need to buy a microphone to record my vocals for the songs, I have a scarlett focusrite 3rd gen solo (only audio interface) and using Ableton.
I record in a normal room, no studio.
Can anyone tell me what mic should I buy, Condenser or Dynamic?
for Condenser I have the options between IK multimedia Irig xlr studio or Voxtaker 100. Is it even worth to buy an Condenser mic or does a Dynamic one do the trick like Shure SV 200.
As you may see that my budget is pretty low, since im living in a country where the average salary is 250 Euro...
and for Mics I dont have a wide range of options.
What do you think?
is for example the Irig worth the money for Vocal recording?
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