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Old 08-29-2020, 12:22 PM   #1768 (permalink)
one-balled nipple jockey
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Originally Posted by SoundgardenRocks View Post
We need more innovations within AI before I could ever see that being possible. And then we'll need to either persuade or crush the teacher's unions.
Believe it or not the technology is already there. AI isn’t even necessary. There’s software already in existence that’s superior to 90% of the actual instruction that students actually receive.

Credit recovery software, READ 180, Fast ForWord, Singapore Math, and many others and then throw in facial recognition and simple engagement measures (watching the screen and clicking when it says click) - tie in Khan Academy - integrate these systems and students can work at their own speed

Right now you get a class of 30 and design daily lessons you’re still moving at the median pace. Too slow for 25% too fast for 25%. With computers it’s easy to hit every student’s sweet spot.

Recently I was watching videos of teachers scrambling to create virtual classes for zoom using online assignments. The very best teachers with the very best producers can obviously create better educational services than just your average teaching Joe with a webcam.

You still need humans so grade written and spoken assessments but if that’s all you do one person working 8 hours a day on only that can do the work of a 100 teachers. I used to have a side job of grading state mandated writing tests. They give you a rubric and it’s easy as ****. Two people grade it and if there’s a disparity a third person works it out.

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