Yes, I read about that troubling development too, OH.

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If ever a thread was in need of some good news, it's this one, and I think I have a glimmer of hope here for people who, like myself, have been oppressed by the notion that covid-19 will continue almost unstopably in its current fatal course.
May I introduce Dr. J Campbell, who has been posting 30-min updates every day throughout the pandemic. It's turned into a gargantuan effort on his part, but a sustainable one for him because he keeps it as straightforward as his topic allows. The same, rather bare spare room, the same method of laying out his lecture notes for us to see, then the same plod through the science.
TBH, I find his no-frills, no drama approach to be both refreshing and convincing: he reminds me reassuringly of the college lecturers that I used to half-listen to during a drowsy afternoon at school.
Anyway, yesterday, at long last, he had some good news for us, and he also explains,at 9 mins in, how in the long term covid-19 should eventually mutate into a less lethal version of itself:-