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Old 08-21-2020, 04:52 PM   #2 (permalink)
No Ice In My Bourbon
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Well, Rasmusen now reports that Donald Trump has a 51% approval rating.

I take it with a grain of salt - they're typically more favorable to Trump than other polling agencies - but they were closer to correct about their 2016 election predictions than almost any other polling place.

CNN's recent poll shows Trump only a point behind in most battleground states

I think Biden's pick of Kamala won't really endear the ticket to moderates. At the Democratic National Convetion, they gave Republicans more speaking time than the left-leaning sect of their party. They're trying to pivot to the center with these Republican speakers but I don't think they're going to win moderates with warmongering liars like Colin Powell.

I still think Trump is going to win. And the corporate Dems won't mind. They'll be able to be the opposition party for four more years and raise more money as a result to go all in and fight during the midterms and the Presidential election of 2024.

Last edited by SGR; 08-21-2020 at 05:01 PM.
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