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Old 08-17-2020, 12:56 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Join Date: Aug 2020
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Posts: 37

Another big name band, obvious

Dayglo Abortions

Formed in Victoria, BC.. they released their first "Out of the Womb" in 1980

This song later covered by Guttermouth as well, under the title I Used to be 20

From there they played around, before releasing their maybe most famous album, "Feed Us a Fetus"

Soon after they would release "Here Today, Guano Tomorrow" which added a more metal approach to their previous album, longer songs and different production, though stull having some of their trademark lyrics, also had some more serious stuff as well..

Then even made a video for the title track

This album also lead them to have their records seen as obscene, and a local story came out, where they tried to have it banned, record siezed and obscenity charges were filed against the label and band

Their next album "Two Dogs ****ing" followed and they even lampooned this on the track "Isnt this Disgusting"

This song also covered by GWAR for a tribute album

From here they would release a fair bit more of material, Murray leaving the band for a time and being replaced by Gymbo, who released a few albums with the band, and carried it on, I liked his era, but not as much as Murray

They put out a few albums and then Murray returned to the band, even doing one album with Gymbo as well. They still continue to tour and record.

Easily one of my favorite bands as well to come out of Canadian Punk.
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