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Old 08-01-2020, 09:13 PM   #71179 (permalink)
No Ice In My Bourbon
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Originally Posted by WWWP View Post
^ was wondering the same thing

I get not wanting to support them by giving them money, but if it's free who cares as long as it looks good? Doesn't do or change anything, he's not going to stop listening to Info Wars because you turned down a free tattoo because he'll be in the same building as you. It's just virtue signaling to turn down a friendly offer for free art because... what is it exactly? You don't like that he once played Alex Jones out loud in the shop as far as you are aware? Lame.
Agreed. But I don't think it's technically virtue signalling to turn down the offer because they listen to InfoWars (unless he goes and tells them that that's why he's turning down the offer). But it definitely is virtue signalling to turn it down for that reason and then tell us about it.

But maybe he wants to vote with his money. Maybe, rather than get a free tat from an InfoWars fan, he wants to pay money to a tat parlor that plays the Young Turks or something. That doesn't make much sense to me, but if you take politics that seriously, more power to ya.
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