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Thread: Mask Wars!!!
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Old 07-10-2020, 09:47 PM   #24 (permalink)
All day jazz and biscuits
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I've been confronting chin masks and prairie dog noses all week. Re-opened on Tuesday.

"Hey man, mask goes over your mouth AND nose in here please."

So far no pushback. These are just sheep that strayed away from the herd. Just gotta corral them a bit and they obey. I've been laying the sass on pretty thick too. We limit no more than five people in the building at one time. One guy says to me "Oh I'm sure you can get away with more people in here. The town won't find out." I tells him "Oh, the town has nothing to do with it. We're just responsible all on our own here." F*cking goon got the point right quick. Changed that subject.

You lot will be the first to know when I get a "I medically can't wear a mask" stooge come in to my shop. They can medically f*ckright outta my airspace if they try. Can't wait to use the ol' "your freedom to spread a virus with your nose and mouth is the same as my freedom to tell you to get out of my building" line. Can't f*cking wait.

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