Damn. I wasn't even familiar with him until a few days ago but by pure coincidence heard about him on a podcast. Apparently he was a longtime inker for Jack Kirby among many others.
In an uncanny stroke of luck and perfect timing, just when Kirby gained the time to improve his artwork, Joe Sinnott became the Fantastic Four's regular inker. Sinnott was a master craftsman, fiercely proud of the effort and meticulous detail he put into his work. ... That slick, stylized layer of India ink that Sinnott painted over Kirby's pencils finished Jack's work in a way that no other inker ever would. Comic fans had never witnessed art this strange and powerful in its scope and strength.
Obviously Jack mufuggin king Kirby deserves all of his credit but if Sinnot helped to birth this then god damn RIP.