Originally Posted by WWWP
It didn't seem like there was a lot of interest, I haven't even gone on myself lol. We need something juicy to pull people in.
^ I could suggest something, WWWP, but it would require the cooperation of you and Marie, and would be politically incorrect

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When I arrived in this thread I was in a spirit of carefree optimism, skipping along like a young child. Not to over-dramatize, but now, just two days later, I feel like I'm struggling in a swamp of despond that's threatening to pull me under.
These seem to be the problems with MB discord:-
i) no-one knows what to do there
ii) the only people who say it exists already don't explain how to get there
iii) the only people who say they've been there bring back a negative opinion of it.
iv) no-one has commited to promoting it with explanations, publicity or enthusiasm
We need Trollheart to get this baby off the ground.