Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog
Yeah, you know something, I don't care if it’s rude or elitist, you might be the dumbest person on here ever. I mean some people deliberately come here and spam, but they aren't trying to pass themselves off as serious.
Your sentence structure was atrocious, your argument was laughable, and your arrogance rivals my own. I wonder sir what degrees you actually have and what institution gave them to you.
Let’s just take that first sentence out behind the wood shed for a moment. They aren't subjective? Perhaps if someone better versed in punk than I listed 30 bands you would be able to accurately decide whether or not they were punk or "other." And unless they were obnoxiously obscure, you ought to know them since you prance around this thread with the air of consummate punk fan.
Instead, how about you list us the definitive criteria for a punk band.
This is funny; you call me dumb, yet you don't even know the criteria for being punk. You said my "sentence structure" was atrocious? Oh noooooo, I was typing on a FORUM at 1am in the morning! Do you think I'm going to actually give a **** how my sentences come out? I just finished writing a 3000+ page (in word, 12 font, single spaced) epic novel which will be published soon and you think you can take little shots at me? That's pretty lolly. To answer one of you questions, I completed my double degree a few years ago at Sydney University.
You aren't educated in music well enough to call me the "dumbest person" on here. You couldn't even come up with a rebuttal to my reply in the DT thread. And yet you said my "argument was laughable?" That's sorta funny, seeing as though I wasn't even arguing. It would help for you to actually know what one was before you make outrageous claims mocking my intelligence.
Regarding a “definitive criteria” for punk (or any other rock style for that matter), I believe boo boo summed it up well, but this wasn't the point of my post. I was merely pointing out that such things are pointless to argue when everyone definitions of a particular concept differ. You didn't even understand my post yet you said my “argument was laughable.” You know what's laughable...? roflol