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Old 04-08-2020, 05:16 AM   #1317 (permalink)
one-balled nipple jockey
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Dr. Fauci Says He Doesn't Think Americans Should Ever Shake Hands Again

When the host Kate Linebaugh pointed out that Fauci and others on the coronavirus task force did not stand six feet apart at pandemic briefings, the disease expert said: "Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good here. The task force group is a little bit different.
"Since we're around the president... it's got to be clear that we're not endangering him. So I get tested frequently and I get my temperature taken eight, nine times a day. Every time you go into a different room in the White House you get your temperature taken.
Except what about asymptomatic spread?

"So I don't think you should judge the use or not of masks and physical separation what you see with the task force for the rest of the country, it really is different."
Actually just the opposite. You’re supposed to model correct behavior.

Simply by wearing masks and keeping the physical distance themselves millions of people would copy their behavior. People also unfortunately copy their bad example every time they speak. And they know the power of putting out the correct image.

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