Originally Posted by spearmint
Why does it matter so much to so many people whether a band gets popular. Like suddenly they're not very good because other people like them...Is it not about the music they make rather than how "sold out" there show was etc etc, like if lots of other people like them doesn't that mean they're good? I don't understand. Why suddenly change what you listen to, because you want to be different or something?? Like loads of people change to be different form everyone else, when al thouse people are just being the same as each other, thus like everyone else...Why does it matter so much to be so "different" or individual. Can't you be yourself like what you like and if lots of other people like it...who cares
Tell that to david frost lol....but i do agree with you...it shouldnt matter.... listen to what sounds good to you.....it doesnt really matter if somebody likes them or not...its if you like em that matters
There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life.